The members of MW Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya observed the Week of Prayer and Self-denial in August 2023 as recommended by the General Conference Methodist Women. All the Small Groups with MW members were encouraged to participate both through the Bible Study of the “Women in the Bible” as well as in the MW project named “Operation Christmas Child”. Offerings were also taken and channeled to GCMW.

The theme as well as the Bible Study was on the “Women in the Bible”. For many members, the study of Eve, Mariam Jezebel, Salome, Lydia, Rahab and Queen of Sheba in such detail was a new experience. We were, before this, familiar with them in a casual way but delving in them as we did was an eye-opener. It was therefore an enlightening experience to learn from each of the women we studied on their roles and influence in their time. So it was not by coincidence that our MW members presented a tambourine song on MW Sunday as Miriam did when Moses led the people out of Egypt!

GCMW “Operation Christmas Child” looked simple enough….get some shoe boxes, fill them and send them off! But with Christmas still months away, it took us a few weeks to get energized after the Bible Study to re-gain momentum. Getting the Gift Boxes ready sought the cooperation of all MW members who wonderfully and generously donated shoe boxes, time and money for us to shop for all the essentials. In the meantime, we also had to identify the target recipients of the Christmas Gift boxes. The Committee decided on an Orang Asli community living on the fringe of a large oil-palm plantation in Perak. As we found out much later when it was nearing Christmas, and time to deliver the Gift boxes, the village, unlike its neighbours, did not enjoy any water or electricity. Water was from the hills and light was from oil lamps. A few homes fixed small solar panels to receive wi-fi. Praise God for new technology!

The Orang Asli village was about one-and-a-half hours from Church, one hour on the highway and a half hour on secondary roads. Suzanne volunteered to drive us as we were able to load all the boxes plus passengers into her car. As we entered into the oil palm plantation, the road became narrower and more bumpy but these descriptions are quite mild when compared to the last mile when we entered the dirt road.

Suzanne was visibly worried that we would not be able to get out of the village once we arrived! Fortunately, we arrived at the village safely and were greeted by many of the children who helped to unload the bags of gifts up a hill to the site prepared for our Tea and gift presentation. Unfortunately, the month of December had been wet and rainy. We had to make sure we did not slip as we made our way up the hill. Mothers, boys, girls, babies in their mothers’ arms gathered and were introduced to four of us (Suzanne, Carol, Radiance and myself). Radiance, principal of the Methodist Kindergarten, had taught a few of the children before Covid and continues to provide support to some of the children via Google.
I took the opportunity to explain the purpose of our visit and that the gifts were given with love from the MW members. Grace was said by one of the Orang Asli mothers before we were invited to share in the tea prepared by the mothers, older children as well as Colonel Sanders! Yes, Kentucky Fried Chicken is a favorite gift for the children. I believe they would have been happy with the food even if no gift boxes filled with pencil sets, note books, tooth brushes, watches and snacks were received. Nonetheless, the lovingly wrapped gift boxes, mostly done by Vimala, one of our ex-co members, were too tempting to resist and all the children queued up to get the gift.

As the afternoon sky turned dark and tiny drops of rain formed, we said our farewells and returned to church. With God’s grace, the drive home was not challenging though it rained for a short stretch.

We thank all MW members who contributed to this project in one form or another. Most of all we thank our Almighty God for guiding and watching over us from the beginning to the end!

To God be all Glory!

Mary Bien