
AYWLDP Report by Grace Wong

21 Jun 2024

I am honoured to have the privilege to attend the Asian Young Women Leadership Development Programme organised by the Wesley Zaidan Foundation at Phnom Penh, Cambodia for 5 days last February. Alongside Audrey, we were part of a total of 28 participants and the theme for this year is: ”Where is Hope?” 


20 – 24 Feb 2024

Shalom brothers and sisters in Christ, first and foremost, I’d like to express my appreciation to GCMW and SIAC MW for giving me the opportunity to join this program. Aside from being my first time going to Cambodia, it is also my first time joining an international program. Honestly, I felt overwhelmed and nervous. As we reached Phnom Penh airport, we were well taken care of by Wesley Zaidan in terms of hospitality and security.


26 Apr 2024


World Federation Day 2024

24 Apr 2024

It is a brand New Year, and we were all very excited to attend our first MW BIG MEET on 20th January 2024. Of course, any MW BIG MEET would first have to start off with taking care of the business of our tummies, with a wide array of delicious foods brought by our members.That being done, the meeting started with worship and service, led by Lee Heng. We followed the order of worship specially designed by the World Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW).


24 Apr 2024

Festivals are special occasions for celebrating tradition, culture, and heritage with happiness, peace, and harmony. They provide an opportunity to connect with friends, families, and communities, offering a refreshing escape from our exhausting routines and adding interest to life. These celebrations also play a vital role in imparting deep cultural knowledge to younger generations and fostering an appreciation for tradition.


27 March 2024

The members of MW Trinity Methodist Church Petaling Jaya observed the Week of Prayer and Self-denial in August 2023 as recommended by the General Conference Methodist Women. All the Small Groups with MW members were encouraged to participate both through the Bible Study of the “Women in the Bible” as well as in the MW project named “Operation Christmas Child”. Offerings were also taken and channeled to GCMW.

Christmas Child Project

22 March 2024

First and foremost, I would like to give thanks and praise to our Lord Almighty that through this project HE has provided and enabled us to touch base with the community outside the church.


04 July 2023

您满意您家里的状况吗?还是您在寻找完 美的家庭?巴不得自己能在某人的家里 长大?我们必须承认有许多的家庭不是按上帝 的原意运作的——当中充满着各种伤害;而孩 子们长大后又重复着同样的错误。在如此的家 庭况境中长大是非常有挑战性的。事实上,约 瑟(创世纪卅七 1-11)也来自非完美的家庭。 一.约瑟的父母不完美 雅各(约瑟的父亲)的妻子们有强烈的妒 忌心与不安感;而雅各自己的忙碌与莫不关心 也造成他无法腾出足够时间给家庭。 另外,约瑟的父亲多妻、被动,还加上公 开的偏心。雅各给约瑟的“彩衣”是上流与富 裕人家的服装,象征著豁免劳作以及在家里被 宠爱的地位。

A Visit to The Methodist Women Centre

11 March 2023

11March 2023. It was a beautiful morning. 21 committee members of CACMW made a visit to the Methodist Women Centre(MWC) at Ulu Klang. The committee members comprise of the President (Mdm Esther Poh), 2 Counsellors (Mdm Diong Siew Ling and Mdm Jennifer Yap), Exco members, Nominations Chairlady (Mdm Choong Meng Foong), the Co-ordinators of Spiritual Life, Christian Education, Social Concerns, Mission and Evangelism; 10 districts’ MW presidents and the CAC Bishop (Rev Liew Kek Ming). 

World Day of Prayer 2023 organised by CAC Methodist Central District 1 Women’s Fellowship

04 March 2023

Praise the Lord, for the World Day of Prayer was filled with warmth, togetherness, love and joy. Amen! Glory to God in the Highest. There was a total of 103 people in attendance.

Before the commencement of service, reverends, pastors, and fellow sisters from the Methodist churches throughout the district bonded through having breakfast together. Fitting with this year’s prayer country, Taiwan, the committee especially played 2 videos on loop.

GCMW EXCO visit to Sibu, Sarawak

09-12 Feb 2023

After a 2 year long planning for this, the missions trip to Kapit finally materialised in conjunction with the 2nd EXCO meeting of the GCMW. This trip had already been budgeted for during the 2022 Wk of Prayer and Self-Denial offertory and we were all blessed that it was possible this time.

Sis Angelyn, the Vice -President and coincidentally the Sibu District representative of SIAC made very painstaking pains to ensure that every aspect of the trip was planned well. From TAC, we had 3 of us namely; Sis Shanty Shekar, the AC president, Sis Kany Jayapal, the GCMW Spiritual Life coordinator and Mrs. Mary Devadason, the EAA president.


华人年议会卫理妇女会会长 – 钱叶月娥


一般80岁的健康指数, 应该趋向疲弱退化,然而神是众姐妹心里的力量与福分,姐妹们都积极参与妇女会事工,如: 推动生产义卖,探访关怀病痛体弱的,成为祷告勇士、带领人信主等等,她们殷勤的脚步不断地向着属灵标杆直跑!求万军之耶和华继续指引教导众姐妹们,好叫她们晓得如何数算自己的日子,并得着智慧的心,凡事先求祂的国和义,敬畏耶和华真神,以忍耐等候寻求主的旨意,因为等候耶和华的,必从新得力,他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏。

著名作家-冰心有一句名言:生命从八十岁开始,我也肯定的告诉姐妹们, 80岁是一个新的开始, 未来的日子宛如诗篇92:14 所说:她们年老的时候仍要结果子,要满了汁浆而常发青!因此,无论是何境遇或需要面对什么挑战,刚强勇敢的仰望神,因爱世人的主必要坚固保守忠心又良善的姐妹们。
愿蒙福的姐妹们谨记:我们原是祂的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的,为要叫我们行善,就是 神所预备叫我们行的。(以弗所书2:10)